High Power Coffee

If you haven’t heard about the latest phenomenon of putting butter in your coffee, where have you seriously been? Yes, at first you might think this sounds like a horrible idea – and then again, you would be wrong! If you want to start your day off right, you need to give what we are calling, High Power Coffee a try. So let’s break it down.

Why put butter in your coffee?

kerrygoldunsaltedAs we have said time and time again, fat is not the enemy. Avocados, almonds, MCT oil – these are all good fats. Adding unsalted, grass-fed butter provides anti-inflammatory benefits and plenty of vitamin-K2, which helps decrease calcium build up in the arteries.

And yes, it is made up of saturated fats. The myth that saturated fats directly lead to heart disease has been debunked time and time again, and honestly, it’s old news. Studies indicate that it actually supports a rise in good (HDL) cholesterol levels. Grass-fed means healthier cows, healthier butter, and a healthier you. The ratio of omega-3’s to omega-6’s is also more optimal in grass-fed butter, protecting against heart disease. You can find this at your local Trader Joe’s or other grocery store.

Your coffee game:

flint and steel coffeeWe personally prefer Flint & Steel coffee. Their coffee is optimized with performance in mind – it is single origin-microlot Haitian coffee from 100% arabica beans, grown at approximately 5000ft, wet processed, and small batch roasted; grown in the same soil & environment as Jamaican Blue Mountain. Yum! It is also direct trade which guarantees quality and sustainability. You can use any coffee you like, but you get what you pay for. We prefer premium fuel!


Now add the spark:mct oil

MCT oil is really the heart of this powerful blend. It will keep you satiated, suppressing appetite throughout the day and it will prevent you from crashing mid-day. We won’t spend too much time trying to sell you on our own product, so check it out here. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram and email me at desiree@mctlean.com and I will send you a discount to try it out for yourself.

Spice it up:

Everything we have covered above pretty much makes you an insanely high-powered latte. So spice it up a bit. This is where you can get a little creative. I like adding a 1/4 tsp of cinnamon or tbsp of honey. Other people add a bit of stevia or organic cocoa powder. Change it up day-to-day to fit your mood.

Go make it now:

Super simple. Brew your coffee, add it hot into your blender, 1-2tbsp grass-fed butter, 1-2 tbsp MCT oil, then your cinnamon etc., then blend! Drink up – lose weight – be energized!





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