The Benefits of MCT Oil: Shedding Extra Weight! (Part 2)

The Ordinary Fat. Most fats we consume break down into individual fatty acids and are repackaged into small bundles of fat and protein called lipoproteins. These lipoproteins then diffuse into the bloodstream and deposit fatty acids into fat cells where they are stored until extra fuel is required.

The Miracle Fat. When medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) break down into medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in the body they:

  • Are not packaged into lipoproteins
  • Do not circulate in the blood
  • Do not require bile and enzymes for breakdown
  • Are not stored as body fat

Instead, they are transferred directly to the liver where, like carbohydrates, they are used up instantly for energy.

We’re Really Not Making This Up. More research shows that when compared to heart-healthy olive oil:

  • ~1-2 tbsp of MCT oil per day resulted in lower endpoint body weights during a 16-week weight loss program. Also, at the end of the study, those in the MCT oil group trended towards greater fat loss and less trunk fat mass than those in the olive oil group.
  • After 28 days, healthy, overweight men reduced their upper body adipose tissue composition to a greater extent with MCT oil. At the end of the study, the MCT oil group trended toward greater whole-body subcutaneous adipose tissue (body fat directly under the skin) volume loss.


  • After eating a meal containing MCTs, normal-weight individuals increased their energy expenditure by as much as 48%, while obese participants increased theirs by as much as 65%.



Baba, N. (1982). Enhanced thermogenesis and diminished deposition of fat in response to overfeeding with diet containing medium-chain triglyceride. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 35.

Bray, G. A., Cee, M. & Bray, T. L. (1980). Weight gain of rats fed medium-chain triglycerides is less than rats fed long-chain triglycerides. International Journal of Obesity, 4.

Clegg, M. E., Golsorkhi, M. & Henry, C. J. (2012) Combined medium-chain triglyceride and chilli feeding increase diet-induced thermogenesis in normal-weight humans. European Journal of Nutrition.

Divi, R. L., Chang, H. C. & Doerge, D. R. (1997). Anti-thyroid isoflavones from soybean: Isolation, characterization, and mechanisms of action.  Biochemical Pharmacology, 54(10).

Fife, B. (2004). The Coconut Oil Miracle. New York: Avery.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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